Award for Outstanding Student of UC Extension Program

September 2, 2009

Dear Andrew, 

I am delighted to inform you that you have been selected as the recipient of the 2009 Outstanding Nontraditional Student Award by the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA)--Region West. Congratulations! Only one award is granted each year by the western region that extends all the way from Wyoming to Hawaii. This award certainly is confirmation of your outstanding performance in our Pathway Program. 

Your award will be acknowledged on October 15, 2009 at the Award Luncheon at the UCEA Region West Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I will personally pick-up the award for you and send it to you when I return to Los Angeles. You will receive an engraved plaque that you can hang on your wall and I will bring back several copies of the award booklet with your name and award description.

 If there is any chance you would be able to come to Santa Fe to attend the Award Luncheon and receive the award yourself, please let us know and we will provide you with the details. We have limited travel funds, but we would be able to reimburse for a room at the conference hotel for two nights.

 Again, congratulations, Andrew. I hope you are as proud of this award as we are.

 All the best,

 Cathy Sandeen

Cathy A. Sandeen, PhD, MBA Dean

Continuing Education and UCLA Extension 

10995 Le Conte Avenue, Suite 770

Los Angeles, CA  90024

310 825-5551 

Our mission:  To provide knowledge

and connections for people to achieve

their personal and professional goals.