
NBC 6pm News  1978, Shelley Marks (Kramer) interviewed by David Horowitz, Tuesday and Thursday Nights,  3 minutes each as an interior plant specialist,

Following  the  above 6 minute video of Shelley as interior plant specialist, scroll ahead to #7 and see  a 1997 NBC News interview with the FDA director John Bailey, Dr. Samuel S Epstein,MD, and the manufacturer of a personal care and beauty cosmetics company case about controversial, questionable and known carcinogenic chemicals in everyday products ( about 20 minutes.)
More  videos: Shelley's   
Shelley Dancing on Cruise Ship, with Ashley, Winning "Dancing with the Crew" before having both my knees replaced.2010
    Shelley Dancing with the Stars on  Norweign cruise ship
    Shelley and her dance partner, Roger LaChapelle, trying out for a TV dance show.(called "Orange MoonChemtrails over Ocean 2013" and I       dont know how to change the name).
 Shelley dancing at Bel Air Hotel, 2013, 7 weeks after having both my knees replaced.


Video of Shelley filmed by BBC from the UK as "Plant Lady to the Stars",2003

Video of Shelley on Fox13 nightly News,as director of the Cancer Prevention Coalition for Los Angeles and the ingredients to avoid in daily used personal care and beauty cosmetics 2013