Eric Latham UCLA Pathway Director Words on Andrew Kramer
June, 2009 UCLA Pathway Program
Words on Andrew Kramer from Director Eric Latham
Andrew will be on CBS news shortly regarding his experiences at UCLA Pathway
One of the definitions of a scholar is someone who educates themselves for their whole life. Though he is still young – Andrew Kramer is definitely a scholar.
The other day as we were walking to class and Andrew was asking me questions, after a few dozen questions I told him I was going to have to cut him off for the day. He said well you know that my initials are A.S.K – Andrew S. Kramer. Yes, Andrew has incredible curiosity and has a wonderful ability to absorb information. In his time here, Andrew has pushed and challenged himself in all areas – academically, socially, and his internships.
In the academic arena Andrew has led the way taking additional classes outside of his regular course load. There was a time last year when he was signed up for additional recreation classes as well as a Saturday math class. Andrew also routinely scheduled himself for individual tutoring sessions when he felt that there was something that was not being addressed in class or something he felt he needed to work on.
Were we to have a valedictorian, it would be Andrew. I know that given his drive to excel, Andrew will be a great success.
Two years ago at our initial orientation, I said these words…
...We know … that going to college, even taking just one class, has a positive impact on the employability and lifetime earnings of all Americans. There is no reason why this does not apply to these students. There are many that say that these students will not benefit, that these students do not belong here.
Well I’ll tell you that, the young people in this room are going to prove them wrong.
And you the members of the class of 2009 have proven them wrong. You have made it – you have survived! I know that many of you are sad to leave, and are frightened by what is ahead of you. You now join millions of other young people setting out on their life journeys. What you do from here will truly be the proof of what you are capable of – this is just a beginning. You have accomplished a great deal and I know that you will accomplish even more.
Your success in life will not come because you came to school here – it will come because of your willingness to be pioneers – your willingness to take risks and your willingness to challenge the status quo. It is not the school that makes the graduates it is the graduates that make the school. You are and always will be great ambassadors for Pathway and even more importantly you are great ambassadors for UCLA and UCLA Extension.
Sincerely, Eric Latham, Director Pathway Program at UCLA.